Why is the box more interesting?!?

I don’t want to add up how much all this baby stuff has cost us. Other than a few very well pitched useless items, I think they have all had a use (btw get a bottle warmer, screw using a pot on the stove or microwave, set it and forget it). Sorry minimalists, but you lose this round.

KATIE SAYS: “If he’d used a microwave I would have shot him.”

MARK SAYS: “To heat up the water that you set the bottle in, give me some credit. It’s not like you saw the time I let her play with power tools.”

So back on point, of all these amazing developmental milestone supporting toys out there, what’s my daughters favorite toy…

A bloody cat toy, that our cat never once showed any interest in. She will grab it with her little baby talons and nom until the cows come home if we let her. Just like when they play with the box for hours and the awesome toy collects dust in the corner, a cat toy we spent a couple of bucks on has riveted her attention better than all the singing sea horses, dogs with tags, and sock monkeys combined.